According to Article 6(2) of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005, Austria received an application from thecompany Bayer CropScience to set the import tolerance MRLs for spirotetramat in a wide range ofcrops: cottons seed, soya beans, fresh peas (with and without pods), fresh beans (with and withoutpods), avocado, guava, lychee, papaya, kiwi, mango and dry beans and peas. In order to accommodatethe authorized GAPs in the USA, Mexico, Canada, Chile, New Zealand and Australia, the existingMRLs for spirotetramat have to be raised. Austria as the Evaluating Member State (EMS) drafted anevaluation report according to Article 8 of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 which was submitted to theEuropean Commission and forwarded to EFSA on 19 February 2010.