食品伙伴網(wǎng)訊 據(jù)外媒報(bào)道,2014年8月《消費(fèi)者報(bào)告》雜志刊登最新研究指出,魚類含有豐富的蛋白質(zhì)以及大量有益大腦發(fā)育的物質(zhì),然而部分魚種汞含量較高,孕婦群體應(yīng)謹(jǐn)慎食用,另外還推薦了魚的建議攝入量。
消費(fèi)者報(bào)告建議,孕婦應(yīng)避免食用任何金槍魚,包含金槍魚罐頭;不再建議育齡婦女每周吃6 盎司白金槍魚罐頭;將每天食用多余 24 盎司魚的人劃為易受傷害的群體,為他們提供建議避免汞過(guò)量。
When you grill a piece of salmon or have a fish taco for lunch, you're getting a good source of high-protein food that provides important nutrients. And if you're a woman who is pregnant or nursing, that fish contains important fuel for your baby's brain development.
In fact, fish is seen as such a beneficial food that the Food and Drug Administration and Environmental Protection Agency recently came out with proposed new guidelines recommending that women of childbearing age and young children eat more of it. But if Americans follow those guidelines without careful attention to which species they are consuming, they could end up taking in too much mercury.