食品伙伴網訊 據澳媒報道,雖然去年澳大利亞大型超市沃爾沃斯(Woolworths)業(yè)績不佳,然而酒水生意卻十分紅火,目前打算在店內大力推廣全球銷量最大的啤酒品牌—中國雪花啤酒。
報道稱,雪花啤酒在中國的市場占有率高達23%,同時也是全球銷量最大的啤酒品牌。雪花啤酒是由華潤雪花啤酒(中國)有限公司(China Resources Snow Breweries)生產的,英國啤酒巨頭SABMiller持有該公司49%的股權。
沃爾沃斯酒水商“Dan Murphy”的總經理Campbell Stott表示,現(xiàn)在澳大利亞國內有很多華人對中國啤酒品牌展現(xiàn)出極高的需求,有些華人商家已經開始囤酒了,現(xiàn)在的形勢很明顯,澳大利亞對雪花啤酒的需求很大。
The general manager of Woolworths' Dan Murphy's superstore chain, Campbell Stott, says there had been repeated requests from the Chinese community in Australia for the business to begin stocking the beer.“It's clear there's been an appetite for Snow in Australia,” Mr Stott says.
The large number of tourists visiting China and the regular procession of Australian business travellers had also been behind the decision to strike a distribution arrangement.“It's been the most requested product on social media for the past two years, with members of the Chinese community as well as Australians who've travelled to China asking us to add Snow to the range”.