食品伙伴網(wǎng)訊 據(jù)食品質(zhì)量新聞網(wǎng)消息,由于受到投毒威脅,雀巢、聯(lián)合利華、可口可樂、Delta宣布下架希臘部分地區(qū)銷售的產(chǎn)品。
受召回產(chǎn)品涉及聯(lián)合利華Hellmann's Caesar Salad Dressing (235ml)以及Pummaro Passata 兩款產(chǎn)品,雀巢冰桃茶(500毫升、4X500毫升),雀巢冰檸檬茶(500毫升、4X500毫升),健怡可樂(500毫升、4X500毫升),Delta 3.5%脂肪新鮮牛奶。
Coca-Cola, Nestlé, Unilever and Delta have withdrawn products in a region of Greece after a group threatened to contaminate them with chlorine and hydrochloric acid.
Unilever's Hellmann's Caesar Salad Dressing (235ml) and Pummaro Passata “more concentrated” and “classic” (Tetra Pak 520g and 500g respectively) are affected.
Nestlé‘s Nestea Ice Tea Peach (500ml and 4Χ500 plastic bottle) and Nestea Ice Tea Lemon (500ml and 4Χ500 bottle) and Coca-Cola Light (500ml and 4Χ500 bottle) are involved.
Delta fresh milk 1L cartons have also been targeted.