食品伙伴網(wǎng)訊 據(jù)外媒報道,每年中國農(nóng)歷新年期間,大量商品會涌入澳大利亞,對此澳大利亞海關在春節(jié)期間加強對中國入境食品的檢驗檢疫工作。

澳農(nóng)業(yè)部生物安全處助理秘書海瑞克(Leanne Herrick)稱,春節(jié)期間通常會查獲新鮮水果、豬肉、雞肉,它們可能還會帶來口蹄疫與禽流感。另外,竹筍可能會引入蟲害。
Quarantine inspectors are on heightened alert at international airports around the country as celebrations continue for Chinese New Year.
The federal Department of Agriculture said there was a strong cultural tradition of giving food as gifts during new year celebrations.
This increases the risk of biosecurity breaches that could result in exotic pests and diseases being introduced, damaging Australia's strong green and clean image.
Assistant secretary with the department's biosecurity arm, Leanne Herrick, said fresh fruit, pork and chicken products were the most common banned goods intercepted.