食品伙伴網(wǎng)訊 據(jù)美國(guó)聯(lián)邦公報(bào)消息,2017年4月5日美國(guó)環(huán)保署發(fā)布公告,維持毒死蜱的殘留限量。該公告自4月5日起生效。
In this Order, EPA denies a petition requesting that EPA revoke all tolerances for the pesticide chlorpyrifos under section 408(d) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and cancel all chlorpyrifos registrations under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act. The petition was filed in September 2007 by the Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA) and the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)。
This Order is effective April 5, 2017. Objections and requests for hearings must be received on or before June 5, 2017, and must be filed in accordance with the instructions provided in 40 CFR part 178 (see also Unit I. of the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION.)