食品伙伴網(wǎng)訊 2024年7月18日,歐盟食品安全局(EFSA)發(fā)布消息稱,擬修訂甲氧蟲酰肼(methoxyfenozide)在茄子中的最大殘留限量。
根據(jù)歐盟條例(EC)No 396/2005第6章的規(guī)定,the Federal Public Service (FPS) Health, Food chain Safety and Environment 提交了該修訂申請。經(jīng)過評估,歐盟食品安全局得出結論,短期和長期攝入因使用甲氧蟲酰肼而產(chǎn)生的殘留物不太可能對消費者健康構成風險。部分原文報道如下:
In accordance with Article 6 of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005, the Federal Public Service (FPS) Health, Food chain Safety and Environment submitted a request on behalf of Belgium (evaluating Member State, EMS) to modify the existing maximum residue level (MRL) for the active substance methoxyfenozide in aubergines/eggplants. The data submitted in support of the request were found to be sufficient to derive an MRL proposal for aubergines/eggplants. Adequate analytical methods for enforcement are available to control the residues of methoxyfenozide in the commodity under consideration at the validated limit of quantification (LOQ) of 0.01 mg/kg. based on the risk assessment results, the EFSA concluded that the short-term and long-term intake of residues resulting from the indoor use of methoxyfenozide according to the reported agricultural practice is unlikely to present a risk to consumer health.