食品伙伴網(wǎng)訊 據(jù)外媒報道,8月27日西班牙番茄大戰(zhàn)拉開帷幕,民眾半裸狂歡互砸番茄,全身沾滿黏稠的紅色汁液。
20歲男子哈里斯(Alex Harris)從英格蘭多塞特郡(Dorset)前來參戰(zhàn),他稱,全都瘋了,這實在是太瘋狂,大家都在跳來跳去,亂砸番茄,還不斷滑倒摔跤。他的上衣全臟,胸口滿是番茄汁。
Half-naked revellers pelted each other with tomatoes and bathed in red goo on Wednesday in Spain's Tomatina, a fiesta that draws thousands each year for “the world's biggest food fight”.
Locals and visitors from as far away as Australia, Japan and the United States crammed into the eastern town of Bunol as mushy tomatoes flew in every direction in a world-famous orgy of mush.
“It was mental. Crazy. People jumping around, throwing tomatoes and slipping over,” said Alex Harris, 20, from Dorset in England, his T-shirt torn and chest drenched in juice.